Friday Five: Reasons to Read Diverse Books in 2017

Friday Five: Reasons to Read Diverse Books in 2017
Kate Walker

There are many reasons to challenge yourself to read outside your regular reading genre, favorite authors, or topic of reading. Here are 5 reasons to #readdiverse this year:

  1. I often tell my students the best way to learn about other people is to travel and meet diverse people–and if you can’t do that, to read.  Try a book about a place you’ve never been to, written by a person who lives there.
  2. Another reason to read diverse books this year is the sheer number of possibilities. So many new books being published this year, including the anthologies published by the organization We Need Diverse Books.
  3. Studies have shown reading can help create empathy. Understanding each other is more important now than ever. Our society needs to be less fractured, and reading can help us understand others.
  4. You could earn some fun badges if you’re a blogger or write goodreads reviews. The folks over at Read Diverse Books have a challenge this year where you earn a badge for your profile when you read and post at least 5 reviews of diverse books.
  5. This is a new year’s resolution that you can actually accomplish pretty easily.  Losing 20 pounds or running a marathon can weigh on you more than a resolution to read a little differently this year. Trying new things keeps you sharp.

How can you find more diverse books to read? Ask your friends to suggest some books, or check out these links:

close-up-rainbow-colored-book-arrangement-13775360Posted by Kate, Blog Editor and Book Reviewer for PCTELA

Friday Five: Reasons to Read Diverse Books in 2017