Friday Five: Reasons to Look Forward to the New School Year

Back to school

Friday Five: Reasons to Look forward to going back to School

It’s now August, and for teachers, that means a new school year is just around the corner. Sure, summer break has been awesome, but there are actually some reasons to look forward to getting back into the teaching swing of things. Today’s Friday Five lists the top 5 reasons in my book…

See colleagues. Just like our students, we miss our friends over summer break. And if you’re like me, some of my closest friends are ones who I teach with. Although you might have had good intentions of getting together over the summer, vacations, kids, and life in general get in the way. Those opening days of school provide the perfect opportunity to catch up. I work with some awesome people, and it’s great to be in their company!

Routine. I must say, spending the summer with my son was absolutely amazing, but I am now ready to get back into a regular routine. I am a creature of habit, and I appreciate the structure of my school day.

Your Subject. I love English. I love writing. I love reading. And the great thing is – I teach it all! Hopefully you love your content areas as much as I do. Every day of the school year, we get to share our knowledge (and my love of all-thing English) with tens of young minds. How awesome is that?

It’s a new year! By the end of the last school year, I’m sure you were just counting down for summer break. Maybe you were burnt out, or perhaps you had a group of particularly rough students. The great thing about a new school year is that, well, it’s new. You are refreshed and reinvigorated and ready to go.

You get to do what you love. Sure, there will be days this school year when you want to rip your hair out. But just remember, you signed up for this for a reason. And just remember, only 180 days until summer…

Enjoy these last few days/weeks of break!

🙂 Jennie, PCTELA President @jenniekaywrites



Friday Five: Reasons to Look Forward to the New School Year

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